
Dead Disk Doctor v1.26

Dead Disk Doctor allows copying files from scratched or damaged CD, DVD disks, unreadable Floppy and Hard Drives or other media. It replaces lost data with random bytes reading files by expandable blocks.
Routine reads file by 4-16kb blocks and when hardware involves errors, the size of block decrease two times and so on until the moment when block of data will be read without any errors, or it reach minimum read size block, depending on file system, then program fills one block with random data and starts to read second one. After successfully reading data, block size increase two times again and again to reach maximum size.

Download here - 3,0 MB

Password RAR : www.waz-warez.org


Cak Wawan Aja said...

pertamax mas. wah ini yg dicari, akhirnya dapet juga. ada crack-nya gak mas? makasih

AlfathPunya said...

selamat bung.... :-)
bukan crack tapi pakena Patch....
whatever-lah yg pnting softwarena bisa dipake....
hehe.... tull gak....